While patients can of course expect the same level of professionalism, courtesy and optimal care from the service we offer, there will be some additional features associated with attending face-to-face appointments at this time.
Your journey through your appointment begins at the moment that you make your booking. Please rest assured that we have thoroughly considered all aspects of optimising our professional standards during this time. Comprehensive measures have been put in place to minimise the risk of transmission of infection as well as pre-screening of patients and clinicians before they attend the premises and screening of all people presenting at the premises. We are undertaking an ongoing review of all advice and guidance from government and professional bodies to make sure we are operating the safest practice possible. For more information on our safeguarding procedures, please ask your clinician for a copy of our policy document during your appointment.
Before your consultation: you will be sent a booking confirmation email at the time of booking, and a further confirmation email if there is 48 hours between the time you made your booking and your appointment time. Included in these emails is a link to an important health triage questionnaire and consent for treatment form. It is imperative that both of these items are completed by you AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE YOU ATTEND YOUR APPOINTMENT. We will not be able to treat you if this form is not completed. If any further triage is required based on your responses, your clinician will telephone you to discuss. Please be reminded of our strict 24 hour Cancellation Policy.
Circumstances requiring you to cancel your consultation: In addition, in order to keep our staff members, other clients and members of the public safe, we would appreciate that you DO NOT attend the practice if you are feeling unwell, especially if you have a temperature (above 38 degrees), a cough or are suffering from any breathing difficulties, or have been in contact with anyone who has Coronavirus within the past 14 days. In this case, please cancel your appointment in line with our 24-hour Cancellation Policy, by contacting your reception team on 0207 018 7180 or via the link in your appointment confirmation email. Please rebook your appointment for a future date allowing 3 week’s full clearance from your original appointment date. We are always available at info@guygolds.com if you have any additional questions or concerns. We can offer video consultations to those who cannot attend the premises. These are covered by most major health insurers and evidence shows that can result in positive outcomes comparable to those achieved in face-to-face consultations.
When you arrive: please use the video phone to alert your therapist to your arrival, by pressing "1" for Guy Gold or "2" for other practitioners and then the button marked with a bell.
Please wait outside the premises, as this will reduce any potential transmission in the waiting room. Your practitioner will check if you have arrived. When they are ready and it is safe to do so, they will invite you into the clinic and into the treatment room. Your practitioner will take your temperature at the front door and will provide you with a face mask if you do not have one. This should be worn throughout your time on the premises please.
Upon entering the premises, you will be asked to use hand sanitiser before touching any surfaces. We will also ask you to use this before you leave.
Your practitioner will be wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). We appreciate that this may appear alarming, however this is purely as a safety measure and will not compromise the quality of your treatment.
To bring to your appointment: We kindly ask you to bring your own face mask or covering, due to the national shortage. We can provide a face mask if you cannot access one. We also recommend that you bring two clean towels to increase your comfort, as we will be using plastic covers and medical-grade vinyl coverings to ensure that all surfaces are disinfected. We also request that payment be made by card where possible, to further reduce the transmission of viral particles.
During your appointment: Your clinician will perform a basic triage in the clinic room to assess your fitness for treatment – measuring heart rate and respiration rate. Certain Osteopathic and Physiotherapeuthic techniques which are known to create aerosol will not be undertaken, and suitable alternatives will be used in their place. In most ways, your appointment will not differ from a typical treatment before the pandemic.
If you have any questions regarding your appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@guygolds.com
We look forward to welcoming you to the Practice.